Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Taste of Broken Heart

Yesterday went for a drink after dinner,
saw a soda drink call 'Heart Broken' and decided to give it a try,
was thinking it should be bitter and sour :D

But i was wrong,
It taste like cough syrup.

And I realised this drink was actually not only
A taste of Heart Broken
but also
An unlicensed physical cure for heart broken


P/S: think heart broken is better describe by taste
rather than feeling

也看到名为‘初恋’的饮料, 希望不是辣椒味的


"被诅咒的烂水瓶~" said...

Very good already lor...At least they don't serve you "Sky Juice"...Making you even Heart Broken!! Haha~

FisH said...

hahahaha...sky juice still ok, paip water lagi heart broken..will jadi pasir...hahaha

咖啡欣。caffeine said...

thanks for telling me that heart broken is taste like cough medicine

neemeng said...

i think whoever found the cure for broken heart will be very rich. hahaha