Saturday, 6 February 2010

Nerves disturbance II : The second assault

Pre-Chinese New Year's weather is always super HOT
having headache again...
this time worse, felt like an army of 100,000
marching to war in my tiny head

with their tanks also.

好 emo 啊!!! 啊啊啊...

Happy chinese new year people~


Little Tannie said...

Wow... better take care, chinese new year is coming~

Happy Chinese New Year too ~~~

咖啡欣。caffeine said...

more water. take care

debbie said...

you're a pharmacist u shd know how to take care of urself right? =P

nway take care and happy cny in advance! =)

snow-v-vicky said...

wa..u always headache><... so serious more okay..miss u ..muakss~~