Sunday, 14 September 2008

5 hours part time Waiter

I never thought that knifes, spoon, cups and plates are so heavy...

arms are shaking and tired, flaccid octopus...



Unknown said...

now muscle aching all over de body!!
wut 2do,no money no talk.
got money how tiring also dont mind lar!
work harder la, so tat u will soon earn enuf money to honeymoon w ur lady lor..wakaka..!!

ti3nD said...

walao @_@ mayb that was a tough one. i rmb my first job here was much tougher. my 3 friends and i worked in hamilton for 11 hours. with one bread, one walkers crisp, one apple for lunch -_-" gambateh for all the $$$$ :)

FisH said...

I kept running in and out of the kitchen man, handache d this morning


so sam tong when saw them throw away all the left over food >.<

Anonymous said...

Yes, kitchen is a tiring work. U must feel more appreciate to food and the person who make it....after in the kitchen for 5 hours

Eat more protein to build muscle....ur body lack of muscle...

by the way...jia you jia you

hotmoomoo said...

so cute. this pic reminds me of the baby octopus... so delicious... aduh... kesian betul... u should practise more by carrying me up the hills on the way bac to jbc. good idea rite!!!!

FisH said...

(=.=''') i think my hands hint me that they are not mean for HEAVY stuff...hahaha

Anonymous said...

yes...DAMN HEAVY. sucks when the kitchen is not near sumore.. it was like yoga+pilates+slow treadmill all combined together..and next day had to lug luggages to airport sumore..:(