IMU(international medical university) Friday Night is a talent show by the family of IMU students, people can do anything on the stage like band performance,singing, dancing, kung fu, cook, etc etc...
And so glad that i participated! wakaka...i chose not to throw my sweet voice to the and show my brilliant dance move to the audience because...
and also because i very, i chose the other way to conquer the stage as below:

tataa~~here was the back drop designed by me...

This is a man, holding his heart and with the microphone...looks like hitman huh..
Quoted "Sing your heart"

And this was the
BIGGEST NAKED WOMEN with a rose that i have ever draw...i never expect that the effect came out so nice...nice curve...hahaha
Quoted: "Play your soul"
Both Drawing were done on 5m long cloth, with BELAKA paint, and is all handmade...really need to thanks for the help from penthouse-housemate...mmh..i still remember
KEN painted the 'hitman' all in black wei...hahaha

This is KEN (老野)
And when the lights turn off, an image will project out from the projector onto the middle of both poster, with liew jiun helps, noise and old film texture were added:

The skull again, was draw by using MS Paint, and edited using Photoshop...

And special thanks to ah lui for lending her camera to me
and many thanks to my lady that always reminds me that i'm not ironman..haha..

My ah lui from tong sampah
My dad always ask why am i so busy that time, may be this is one of the reason that he didn't know~haha