Below were the answer from all the candidates:
1. Gene said:
I know i know exposure to a protected heart =P
(sounds logically related to the picture)
2. faust said:
ahaha i imagine it as the iron heart is like a robot that protects the inner orangy heart..and the inner orangy heart is sorta like..operating this heart-shaper-robot..lol
(Mmmh...not bad not bad, but that orangy heart is actually a light bulb.haha)
3. gobi said:
this is like superman story when superman was send to earth in space ship but the only difference is this spaceship come from 'planet heart' where tiger's eat lolipops.the orange heart mission is to spread love and defeat the villans with power of love.
(Seems like earth is not really safe for you Gobi...hahaha...good one!)
4. "被诅咒的烂水瓶~" said:
(subtle gentleness...yea, part of it...I actually thought that you will crack me a joke here..hahaha..manatau so serious...)
5. Anonymous said:
firstly, i would like to say it is fun..hehe. let me c, iron shell, a heart inside....let me think...the shell is to protect the heart incase hurt by others. when it open to sbdy or sth, the shell open
(The first statement is true, but the second statement is false. I open it up just to visualize the inner part of the heart la actually...haha )
6. *Jac* said:
Transformer heart?
(I actually expected a gentleman would say that..hahaha)
7. Anonymous said:
i m simple..jz a small heart inside a big heart, haha!
(This is really simple...)
8.Anonymous said:
(sounds right....but i wish tat you elaborate more to support your point of view~ )
9.wolverine said:
sumone who looks tough but actually have a very fragile heart? haha
(scientifically speaking, everyone got a fragile heart..hahaha...but i like your view~)
10.julian said:
orange heart needs eletricity
(I think you are the only one notice that the orange heart is actually a light bulb, connected to a switch...hahahaha )
11. yieng said: pacemaker
(I will give you 100 marks for your interpretation on cardiac anatomy.hahaha...so creative! )
Finally, Fish said:
--A pair of Hearts--
To me, When two hearts stick together in a drawing, it symbolized love, love between a couple. And their size are different, meaning that love given within couple is not always equal from each party and cannot be counted~
--The Metal Shell--
It was to visualized protection. The pink colour lining was actually some sort of cushion, symbolized gentleness. The heart is broken up, cuz couple do fight.
--Orange heart-shape-light-bulb--
It is a light bulb.hahaha..together with the hard-comfy shell, the light bulb is protected against adverse condition, and mean while the 'light bulb' in turn will generate light to warm the shell. Scientifically, Orange light produce more heat than white light.
To me, When two hearts stick together in a drawing, it symbolized love, love between a couple. And their size are different, meaning that love given within couple is not always equal from each party and cannot be counted~
--The Metal Shell--
It was to visualized protection. The pink colour lining was actually some sort of cushion, symbolized gentleness. The heart is broken up, cuz couple do fight.
--Orange heart-shape-light-bulb--
It is a light bulb.hahaha..together with the hard-comfy shell, the light bulb is protected against adverse condition, and mean while the 'light bulb' in turn will generate light to warm the shell. Scientifically, Orange light produce more heat than white light.
so, my phylosophy is:
love within couples is a two way traffic,
generated and maintain by each other.
she/he might not know how much he/she appreciated,
but he/she will always know what he/she sacrified for.
And if you think your love is a one way ticket, try think about what you had done
before blaming each other.
generated and maintain by each other.
she/he might not know how much he/she appreciated,
but he/she will always know what he/she sacrified for.
And if you think your love is a one way ticket, try think about what you had done
before blaming each other.
In term of scientific thinking,
this looks more like a
gigantic-heart shape-solar powered-lamp
this looks more like a
gigantic-heart shape-solar powered-lamp
overall, this is the statistic of the candidates marks:

Thanks for participated everyone~~
oOooO Looks like my answer is the most bimbotic one WAHAHAHAH But that was my first thought! Honest!
But that was a nice interpretation...=)
hahhaha...kinda hard to crack jokes...(especially cold once)...since we're in diff background now...
Ppl tat we met and thgs tat we do are so diff frm past...
In addition, u aldy so cold there..."bao 粽子" some more...hahaha...
Glad to see lots and lots of your drawings...miss those days at INTI...
If you free come Malacca...we go eat satay celup again...hahahha =)
Cheers, my friends and Idol!!!
No.1 Fan
See How Lar~
你的这幅画和这些内在的意思,真的在我的脑海里烙下了深深的印象。。。很特别的画和很有内涵的画。。。果然有点像思想家。。。加油。。。嘻嘻 :)祝你人生充满色彩!!!
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