Friday, 25 December 2009

Looks cool...

I dressed up like a surgeon yesterday,
looks cool,
but not to operate any surgical,
just to clean up chemo spillage
in the ward



sinye said...

wow, u cleaned up chemo spillage..really 酷到爆炸 lo!!
got grab the nearest spillage kit not?? follow step by step?? just wondering theory and practical are the same not..

FisH said... used the absorbance sheet, and Decon 90 to clean it up..haha
but my senior jus clean it up without putting on any suit...

hotmoomoo said...

look at ur surgical suit... zao kong jor!!!!

p.s i like that coolio's song... didnt know it was by coolio...been searching for this song wheeee

FisH said...

it do looks zao kong from the back~lucky i wore branded underwear~haha...

Actually i don even know who is coolio, sounds like snoop dogg~

fo said...

really 酷到爆炸~!! u very wei da!!!

wah why your senior so yeng one...

hehe yeah i think coolio is a rapper like snoop dogg u got it right my brother haha

gobi said...

Actually u already kena cheated

thats not chemo spillage .... only water ... thats why ur senior didnt wear any suit hahahhahaha

FisH said...

Gobi: aiks...or may be it was only the patient's air liur afterall, he was sleeping like a child~

my Brother: yeaaah, c u when u get there bro~haha